
  • 1. Our terms do not include courier, shipping and any other delivery fees or additional services requested by the client.
  • 2. Our quotes are based on rough verbal specifications from the client. A 10% material cost is added to every invoice for creative production materials such as laser proofs, mock-ups and archiving. The client shall be responsible for all material on each proof and agrees to initial each proof via email confirmation or physical signed document. The client further agrees not to hold OrangeRoc responsible for any errors in the final proof or errors that develop thereafter. All artwork and electronic files are the sole property of OrangeRoc until the final bill is paid in full. The client is the exclusive owner of anything that is produced through this contract and signed future agreements. OrangeRoc may utilize work product for their promotional use, with the approval of the client.
  • 3. Terms and conditions of payment are: 50% due to start all projects (defined scope), net 15 days for all creative work, COD on all printing services; a service charge of 1% per month will be added to accounts not paid within 30 days. If legal fees are incurred by OrangeRoc to collect money from the client, or for any other dispute arising from this agreement, the client agrees to pay all OrangeRoc legal fees, costs and expenses, plus 10% pre- and post-judgment interest until paid in full. Marketing services are paid on the first of each month for work for hire performed during the specified time frame.
  • 4. Final artwork is archived for 12 months only. Requests to pull artwork from archives may be subject to a fee.
  • 5. Proposals contain confidential information intended for a specific individual and purpose and is protected by law. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any disclosure, copying or distribution of the message, or the taking of any action based on it, is strictly prohibited.